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Specialty Range

At Dairygold, we offer a wide range of fertiliser products in 50kg bags, 500kg bags, top lift bags or bulk. We also offer a bulk spreading service to our customers. Over 50% of all soil samples are deficient in Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) and a further 25 to 30% of soils require annual maintenance inputs of P and K in order to replace those lost.  A deficiency of N restricts the growth of individual leaves (leaf size) and their photosynthetic capacity as well as restricting the number of tillers that develop. Trace element deficiencies are also occurring more and more frequently in grassland. These factors are all required to be taken into account when considering fertiliser application on your farm. Contact your area sales manager for further information with references to fertiliser products available from Dairygold and services that you can avail of from us.

Name Goulding Sweetgrass


  • 23% Nitrogen
  • 2% Sulphur
  • 1.2% Magnesium
  • 5% Sodium



Delivery Options

Bulk, Top Lift Etc.


Sweetgrass is a high Nitrogen fertiliser with added sweetening agents. Its special formulation increases the palatability of your grass, thus increasing dry matter intakes.

  • Sweetgrass is a balanced Nitrogen fertiliser containing Sulphur, Sodium and Magnesium Specifically aimed at main grazing season grass growth.
  • Sodium-Sodium increases palatability of the grazing grasses especially where slurry is being spread. Sweeter grass means tighter grazing and higher % grass utilization.
  • Sulphur- Sweetgrass also contains sulphur to improve quantity and quality of grass grown.
Name Goulding Richland


23/2.5/5 + 3% Sulphur + Trace Elements



Delivery Options

Bulk, Top Lift Etc.


For use instead of 27/2.5/5 + Sulphur


  • Magnesium-Helps prevent against grass tetany, Improves nutrient availability and appetite.
  • Copper-Good for fertility and thrive for animals.
  • Manganese-Maintains high fertility in a herd, It also promotes grass root development, which is vital for the plant to survive in times of high stress.
  • Zinc-Helps prevent lameness and reduces mastitis, improves semen production and enhances plant tillering.
  • Sulphur-This has been proven to increase grass growth by 2t/ha which is worth €500/ha.
  • Specially formulated combination of trace elements improve grass growth, herd health and fertility on your farm by providing vital micro nutrients which are in scarce supply in your soil.
  • Sweeter grass = Increased intakes
Name Goulding Replinish


18/2.5/14 + 2% Sulphur + Trace Elements



Delivery Options

Bulk, Top Lift Etc.


For use instead of 18/6/12 or 18/6/12 + S


Replenish is a well-balanced NPK Fertiliser, containing a range of trace elements which are as essential for quality grass as the major nutrients.

  • Copper 0.018%
  • Manganese 0.09%
  • Magnesium 1.2%
  • Zinc 0.023%
  • Contains Wolftrax Trace elements (every granule coated)
Name Gouldings Gran-Lime


Calcium (Ca) 38.0% Magnesium (Mg) 1.0%



Delivery Options

Bulk, Top Lift Etc.


Gran-Lime is a lime that is far more finely ground than typical ground limestone. It is a combination of calcium and magnesium lime, which is 100% water-soluble and 99% available to plants in the soil. It comes in a granulated form for ease of spreading by and conventional spreader. It is specially formulated to quickly reduce the acidity in the soil.

Name Koch Advanced Nitrogen Fertiliser


Agrotain nitrogen stabilizer



Delivery Options

Bulk, Top Lift Etc.


Instead of Urea


Koch Advanced Nitrogen® fertiliser is a nitrogen fertiliser
Based on urea, treated with AGROTAIN® stabiliser.
AGROTAIN® stabiliser reduces volatilisation to ensure that the nitrogen is available to fuel crop growth all season long.

Koch Advanced Nitrogen® fertiliser (KAN), presented in granular form, contains 46% nitrogen. KAN is the most efficient Nitrogen fertiliser available.

  • Contains 70% more Nitrogen than CAN.
  • Removes the concerns of volatilization losses from urea
  • Yields similar to CAN
  • Saves on transport and spreading time.
Name Green Grow Silage Boost


21/2/10 + 2% Sulphur + Avail



Delivery Options

Bulk, Top Lift Etc.


Silage Boost is a compound fertiliser specifically formulated for use on silage ground where high amounts of N, P, and K & S are needed.

•75-95% of Phosphate gets tied up in the soil. (Phosphate Fixation)
•Avail polymer forms a shield around the P granule protecting it from lock up by positively charged ions such as Iron, Aluminium, Calcium and Magnesium.

•Phosphorus applied with Avail is more available to the growing plant for longer in the season after Spreading vs untreated phosphorus.

•Sulphur- Up to 20kg/ha/cut of sulphur should be applied to your silage crop.

•NPK formulation is adjusted to reflect soil analysis trends in the Dairygold catchment area.

Name Green Grow Graze





Delivery Options

Bulk, Top Lift Etc.


• Formulated to meet the demands of high grazing situations to maintain P and K levels at their optimum while meeting N demand.
• Available with or without Sulphur

Name Green Grow Cut





Delivery Options

Bulk, Top Lift Etc


• Formulated to meet the demands of high yielding silage crops to maintain P and K levels at their optimum while meeting N demand.
• Available with or without Sulphur