Feeding Late Lactation Spring Calved Cows
What and how much you feed will be dependent on your cows yield, current and target calving BCS and current milk price. Grass: As a consequence of not building enough…
View Post >Time for Building Soil Potassium
Potassium (K) has a major role in the efficient use of nitrogen (N) by the grass plant during the growing season. Grass silage crops have the largest demand for N…
View Post >Feeding Value of Alternative Feeds for Your Herd
By Edmond Curtin, B.Agr.Sc, Dairygold Area Sales Manager Your cows diet can be made up of; grass silage, cereal silages (wholecrop wheat, barley, triticale), maize silage, concentrates, straw, hay, wet…
View Post >Hi Pro ECO LAC Dairy
By Susan Casey, B.Agr.Sc, Area Sales Manager Hi-Pro ECO LAC is designed around the core values that extend right throughout the Dairygold quality feeds range. It is: – High in…
View Post >Maintaining Milk Volume During Adverse Weather Conditions
Milk volume should decline at no greater than 2% per week or 10% per month. Volume declines of greater than this are an indication of poor energy nutrition. Once volume…
View Post >4 Steps to Feeding Spring Calved Cows in Late Lactation
By LIAM STACK, M.Agr.Sc Ruminant Technical Manager Prolong the Grazing Season As we reach September and beyond, we need to extend our rotation lengths and build a wedge of grass…
View Post >Act Now to Maximise the Length of your Grazing Season
Right down we have 14% less grass on farms than we should have. If we do not act now we will run out of grass earlier than planned. We need…
View Post >Spread Nitrogen Now to Maximise Grazing Season
Pasturebase data has shown us that its not uncommon for many dairy farmers to end up with a lower supply of grass than they would like entering into the autumn….
View Post >Maintain Energy Intake Now to Ensure Return on Milk Solids
Milk Volume: Milk volume should decline at no greater than 2% per week or 10% per month. Volume declines of greater than this are an indication of poor energy nutrition….
View Post >It’s Time to Check Your Slats – Farm Safety
Catherine Hurley, B.Agr.Sc, Agri Sales Support Advisor Slats and manhole covers are not lifetime items, they need to be replaced before they fail. The expected lifespan of them is about…
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