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Farm Biosecurity & Facility Hygiene

A good Biosecurity Plan can be drawn up at farm level by assessing the risks posed by the movement of stock, personnel and vehicles onto farms. Your Vet can advise…

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Cull Cows

Economics of feeding cull cows The economics of feeding cull cows depends on the quality of the silage available, the cost of silage and concentrates, the condition of the animals…

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Nutrition & Fertility

Early Lactation Feeding: Nutrition and Maximising Fertility Performance Poor fertility performance is the biggest cause of involuntary culling on Irish dairy farms. Reducing empty rates from 15% to 10% will…

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Mineral Feeding Pre-Calving

Mineral feeding for the pre-calving cows Nutrition for breeding Your nutritional aims for successful breeding are: To minimise your herd’s body condition loss between calving and the start of breeding…

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Redwater Bulletin Redwater is a life-threatening disease of cattle caused by a parasite called Babesia divergens. The parasite is transmitted by ticks. High risk periods for Redwater are late spring/early…

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Lameness in Dairy Cattle

Lameness is now a major problem in Irish dairy herds – it has become the second largest dairy cow health challenge after mastitis. Up to 89% of dairy cattle may…

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Forage Options

Whole Crop Cereals/High Moisture Grain It is essential to monitor the dry matter of the crop regularly, starting a month before the anticipated harvest date. Dry matter can change by…

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Body Condition Scoring (BCS) Guide

BCS is a simple technique to assess how thin or fat a cow is on a scale of 1 to 5 with increments of 0.25, where 1 is extremely thin…

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