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The Value of Additional Concentrate Feeding

Your cows have a base line concentrate requirement, needed to meet her current milk yield and to build a grass wedge.   Additional concentrates on top of this requirement will deliver…

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Maximise your Late Lactation Milk Revenue with Autumn Extend

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Nutrition Matters

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Important supports available to Members

 12th August 2024 2024 has been very challenging, particularly from a weather perspective, resulting in reduced grass growth rates, milk volumes and fodder reserves on farm. Dairygold Board and Management…

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August Advice

      As we enter the month of August there are a number of key areas that need to be reviewed on dairy farms and decisions that are taken…

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Take Action Now on Winter Fodder Stocks

  Key Takeaways   Do a fodder budget – Assess whether you need to take extra bales or third cut to fill your winter fodder stocks – Grass growth is…

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Farmers across the country are working to reduce nitrogen use on farm in order to preserve water quality and reduce emissions. However, concerns remain regarding limited N allowances that will…

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Denise Week’s Milk Efficiencies Video

Watch Milk Advisor Limerick Region Raymond Ryan talk to Denise Weeks on Milk Efficiencies that she carries out on her farm in Kilfinane, Co. Limerick

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The status of soil chemical health

Soil chemical health is on the decline.  2022 was poorer than 2021 and 2023 results have shown a further decline since 2022.  On soil P index, in 2023 we had…

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Milk Proteins

After a poor spring for milk proteins it is imperative now that we make steady gains to year end. Milk proteins in week 20 2024 were 0.1% lower than the…

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