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Join us for our Animal Health Open Days – May 2022 From 10am

Updates on New Veterinary Regulations – Expert Advice – Special Offers Tuesday 3rd – Terelton Wednesday 4th – Killumney & Old Pallas Thursday 5th – Buttevant & Ballinhassig Friday 6th…

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Prime Elite Rumi Force Calf Feed


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Plan now to ensure you have enough silage for next winter

How much silage do I need? Contact your local area sales manger to run through a winter feed budget.  1 acre of 1st cut silage ground will feed 1.5 cows…

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“You can’t control what you don’t measure” Ed Curtin, Future Beef Programme

Edmond Curtin is based in Meelin, Newmarket in Co. Cork. He is farming in partnership with his mother Breda and they are operating a suckler-to-weanling and calf-to-store/Calf to Beef enterprise….

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Dry Cow Minerals

If you’re buying your dry cow minerals now be cautious and ensure that your minerals are going to meet the requirements of the cow.   Mineral Feeding Pre-Calving The objectives…

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Time to Get Your Grass Tested? Here’s How With Dairygold

Dairygold Agri Business have grass testing available, where either individuals can take their grass samples themselves or a Sampler can be sent out on farm to take samples using a…

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Grassland Weed Control

Liam Stack, M.Sc.Ag Weeds within your pasture compete with grass for nutrients.  A field of grass infested with 20% docks may produce the same tns DM as a field of…

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Feed Your Soils Correctly for the Best Return on Fertiliser

By Liam Stack, M.Agr.Sc Ruminant Technical Manager Buying fertiliser without getting your soil sampled and a having a fertiliser plan is like ordering feed without knowing what group of animals…

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Why You Should Get Your Soil Tested with Dairygold

The Health of Our Soils By Rósín O’Donnell, B.Agr.Sc, Dairygold Agri Business Graduate 0867938408 As an industry we are striving to grow more grass in a sustainable manor. Grass is…

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Benefits of Using DIGEST-IT Slurry Additive

Dairygold Agri Business in conjunction with Devenish and Gouldings are pleased to introduce DIGEST-IT®, a biological slurry additive designed to increase nutrient recovery from slurry while also reducing ammonia emissions….

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