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We must act now to maintain good yields and proteins


YTD on the back of dry grass we’ve seen good yields and proteins.  However, currently grass growth is low compared to the 5-year average and AFC is below the recommended levels on 60% of farms on PBI. We must act now to maintain the early advantage.


  • Current grass growth compared to 5 year average is slightly below normal, Farm cover is below recommended levels on 60% of farms on PBI this week
  • Grass growth is predicted to range between 20-29 kg DM/ha
  • There is 20-37mm rainfall forecast across the country
  • Soil temperatures are to increase to 7-9°C


Short term fertiliser advice:

Fertiliser needs to go out.

For ground with no slurry or chemical N to date,  35 units ASAP

For ground that got 20-25units chemical N in febr, go with 25-30 units for the month of march


Second applications of fertiliser on grazed ground should be N-P-K+S type products if you have P allowance and no slurry was applied i.e. 18-6-12+S

For paddock with no P allowance, got no slurry but are in need of K applied a N-K-S

For paddocks that have received slurry, apply a N+S type product


Sulphur – an important nutrient

  • For grazing fields, apply 20 kg S/ha/year (16 units/acre/year) by July 1st. Select a product such as 18-6-12+ S or P.Urea+ S & apply between March & July
  • For silage fields, apply 15 kg S/Ha/cut (12 units/acre/cut). If receiving cattle slurry @ 3,000gals/ac, apply P.Urea+ S (38% N + 7% S) to balance crop N & S requirements

Balancing grass intakes with reaching magic day:

How much grass you can afford to allocate daily is dependant on your current average farm cover. Grass must be rationed to ensure you don’t run out.


Current AFC <750 kg DM/ha <750 – 900 kg DM/ha 900+ kg DM/ha
Grass (DM) 6 9 12 14
Silage (DM) 6 3
Concentrates (F) for 25ltrs 6.25 5.5 5 3


If Growth is 15 kg/ha and Demand is 25 kg/ha: then AFC drops 10 kg/ha/day or 70 kg/ha/week

Over allocating grass will run down covers very quickly, especially at higher stocking rates

If farm covers drop too low, grass is slow to recover

Predicted grass growth for this week = 20-30kgDM


Estimated weekly growth 25
Grass Allowance 6
Stocking Rate 2 2.5 3 3.5
Demand 12 15 18 21
weekly Impact on AFC 91 70 49 28
Grass Allowance 9
Stocking Rate 2 2.5 3 3.5
Demand 18 22.5 27 31.5
weekly Impact on AFC 49 18 -14 -46
Grass Allowance 12
Stocking Rate 2 2.5 3 3.5
Demand 24 30 36 42
weekly Impact on AFC 7 -35 -77 -119


How much concentrates is a balance level?

Keep an eye on milk protein, grazing residuals and overall farm cover or % grazed.

  • Low milk protein, low grazing residuals, falling overall AFC – cows are in negative energy balance, intakes are being restricted, grass will run out. More concentrates needed to hit magic day with sufficient grass in the cows die.
  • Protein good, residuals good but farm cover dropping too rapidly = grass will run out before magic day, you must slow the pace you’re eating grass. More concentrates needed to hit magic day with sufficient grass in the cows die.
  • Good proteins, 4cm residuals, good farm cover – no change required

For the best advice contact your Dairygold Area Sales Manager today.

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