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Milk Proteins

After a poor spring for milk proteins it is imperative now that we make steady gains to year end.

Milk proteins in week 20 2024 were 0.1% lower than the 4 year average, If this was to continue to year end it will cost the average Dairygold supplier €3200.

A low milk protein in March was inevitable, there was no grass, cows were milking off silage and we are still trying to overcome the aftereffects of that spring. Recent supplies have shown, our milk proteins starting to plateau and even disimprove slightly.  We need to  concentrate on maintaining grass quantity and quality and we need to feed concentrates in balance with that grass on our farms from here to year end.

Actions to beat the mid-season plateau:

  1. Maintain grass quality, graze down to 4cm. If not possible get the topper out.
  2. Feed a balanced level of concentrates
  3. If your leaving too much grass behind, increase grazing pressure.
  4. If your over grazing and dropping overall farm cover, feed more concentrates.
  5. During times of a growth slump, introduce concentrates early enough.
  6. Don’t overestimate grass intake.

Consult your Dairygold Area Sales Manager today for more information.