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Economics of concentrate feeding in late lactation

Economics of concentrate feeding in late lactation:

In late lactation 1kg of concentrates can generate 1kgof extra milk. With concentrates costing c.€300-350/Tand milk valued at c. 40 c/kg (including higher solids value), every 1kg or 30-35c spend on concentrates is going to return c. 40c worth of milk. This is a c. 20% return on investment.


A 90-cow herd feeding 1 kg of concentrates will return €150-300 per month after the concentrate

cost. Feeding concentrates must be done responsibly and in a balanced approach to maintaining grass quantity and quality on your farm. If you are feeding concentrates to the detriment of your grass quality this value will not be realised.


Maintain Milk Lactose

Milk lactose is affected by stage of lactation and energy nutrition. Every effort must be taken to keep lactose percentages as high as possible now to prevent milk price deductions and forced early drying off.


Lactose levels of less than 4.45% affect your monthly balance score card, if your lactose levels are less than 4.2% it will affect both your balance score card and monthly base price. With the correct management these figures should be a long way off.


Reasons for low lactose – Low energy intake:

Autumn grass is generally lower in DM, sugar and UFL than summer grass. As we move into the autumn more concentrates are required for the same level of production as is required by summer grass. Higher levels of concentrate feeding alone is no guarantee of high levels of energy intake or milk lactose %. Higher levels of concentrates must come in conjunction with an overall higher daily intake.  Use a buffer of silage if and when its needed.

For more information, contact your local Dairygold Area Sales Manager or Inside Sales on 022-31644