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2025 Milk Replacer Range

Dairygold Agribusiness has a complete range of whey and skim based milk replacers available for the coming season


Dairygold Prime elite range of milk replacers come with a 25% protein and a 23%

protein option. Both milk replacers contain contain Imunopro and Gardion. With

the 25% protein option also containing Digesterom.

Imunopro is made of a highly concentrated whey protein and is carefully balanced to ensure the optimum level

of amino acids, fatty acids and milk sugars for growth, health and development of the calf.

Gardion is derived from garlic, can enhance the immune system as garlic is linked to having antibacterial, antiviral

and antifungal properties.


Digesterom – a plant-based feed additive, contains a unique blend of herbs, essential oils and functional

flavours which has been shown to reduce the incidence of scour in calves and reduce the number of days it

takes calves to recover from scour.


Gold Assure Range

Gold Assure Boost 22% contains:

  • Neotec 4, a specific blend of fatty acids: that reduce scours, improve ADG, increases feed

efficiency, improves immunity and reduces incidences of digestive upsets.

  • AmNeo, an amino acid technology which balances amino acids specific to ruminant requirements for protein deposition, leading to

increased total weight gain and frame growth.


Specialised Skim Based Products

Our range of specialised skim based products are designed to fit specific feeding scenarios on farm.


Transformula – is designed for use after colostrum feeding. Made with over 60% skim milk and buttermilk

along with 5 plant oils and whey protein it is easily digested by the calf. It contains ultra-high levels of

plants extracts, probiotics, prebiotics and egg protein.

These improve gut health in the calf which is important to maintain good growth and thrive.


Compumate – is designed specifically for computerised calf feeding systems. To reduce the stress on calves

being in large groups of differing ages, Compumate contains anti-bacterial agents and immunostimulants

to minimise health problems. It is made with whey protein, and butter milk as well as 5 plant oils and

natural sweeteners to maximise digestibility and calf performance.


Shine Once-A-Day – is a 20% milk protein powder made of a wide range of highly digestible

ingredients including butter and skim milk powder. It can be fed with water or milk to

reduce your workload but not compromise the calf nutrition.


Talk to the Agri Experts at your local Co-Op Superstores or your Area Sales Manager for more information.