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In this section you will find up to date articles on Beef farming news and best practices. We would also welcome your feedback, suggestions and ideas about how we may improve or further develop this section.


Farm Management & Development

The Value of Additional Concentrate Feeding

Your cows have a base line concentrate requirement, needed to meet her current milk yield and to build a grass wedge.   Additional concentrates on top of this requirement will deliver…

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August Advice

      As we enter the month of August there are a number of key areas that need to be reviewed on dairy farms and decisions that are taken…

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Take Action Now on Winter Fodder Stocks

  Key Takeaways   Do a fodder budget – Assess whether you need to take extra bales or third cut to fill your winter fodder stocks – Grass growth is…

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Advice for Damaged Paddocks

With the wet spring some damage may have been done to paddock. Minor poaching In minor poaching cases, the plant is able to repair itself reasonably quickly and tiller density…

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Dairygold announces additional supports for its Tillage and Beef Customers

The Dairygold Board and Management are aware of the financial challenges facing farmers due to the recent adverse weather conditions and today, has announced a number of additional measures to…

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First cut silage fertiliser

We need to consider the compounds we are using on our silage grounds. Overall Soil chemical health is poor, with only 20% of our soil’s optimum for pH, P and…

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Fertiliser for Grazing

The forecast is improving and the weather for the coming week looks dry and warm. There is a lot of grass in place to be grazed but we need to…

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Fodder Event & Bulk Feed Offer Extended

        In times like these, when the challenges of poor weather and a fodder crisis weigh heavily on your shoulders, we want you to know that Dairygold…

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Early Lactation Nutrition

    The ultimate goals from early lactation nutrition are : Feeding your cow to get her back in calf as quick as possible Feeding your cow hold milk protein…

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When To Cut Wholecrop Silage

Wholecrop silage can be cut from 30-60% DM.  The drier the crop the more complicated the process, the greater the risk of the silage heating at feed out and the…

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Dairygold Prime Milk Replacer Range

  The key ingredient in Dairygold’s Prime Elite calf milk replacer range is Imunopro®, a concentrated Whey Protein, is carefully balanced to ensure the optimum level of amino acids, fatty…

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Plan now to ensure you have enough silage for next winter

How much silage do I need? Contact your local area sales manger to run through a winter feed budget.  1 acre of 1st cut silage ground will feed 1.5 cows…

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Benefits of Using DIGEST-IT Slurry Additive

Dairygold Agri Business in conjunction with Devenish and Gouldings are pleased to introduce DIGEST-IT®, a biological slurry additive designed to increase nutrient recovery from slurry while also reducing ammonia emissions….

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Spread Nitrogen Now to Maximise Grazing Season

Pasturebase data has shown us that its not uncommon for many dairy farmers to end up with a lower supply of grass than they would like entering into the autumn….

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It’s Time to Check Your Slats – Farm Safety

Catherine Hurley, B.Agr.Sc, Agri Sales Support Advisor Slats and manhole covers are not lifetime items, they need to be replaced before they fail. The expected lifespan of them is about…

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Replenish Land After Taking Out Surplus Bales

Liam Stack, M.Agr.Sc, Ruminant Technical Manager After taking out surplus grass as bales, it’s important to replace what we’ve taken out in terms of N, P + K to ensure…

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Now that the closed period is over… should I spread?

Our fertiliser world is a changing. We now need to focus more on nitrogen use efficiency, ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions. As part of their marginal abatement curve Teagasc have…

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The Importance of Autumn Fertiliser

In August soils release their own organic N naturally. On lowly stocked farms (< 170kg organic N/Ha) that have enough winter forage this may provide sufficient N to build grass…

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Why silage ground often has the poorest level of soil fertility and how to fix it

Catherine Hurley Recent grass silage tests that have been carried out have shown poor protein levels in the winter fodder in many cases, so much so that the feed may…

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Kerva for Grain Enhanced Feed

Benefits of Kerva treated grain for feed ✓Treating grain with KERVA produces nutritionally enhanced feed (increased protein content by 30% approx.), reducing the need for additional protein in the diet…

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Mid Season Fertiliser Requirements

Fertiliser Requirements mid-season. The capability of grass to grow is compromised if its requirements for major elements such as Phosphorus, Potassium and Sulphur are not met. Phosphorus Requirements: Do you…

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Managing your Automatic Calf Feeder

Whether you have or haven’t gotten your feeder up and running for the season yet, here are a few key points to keep in mind.

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Once a Day Feeding- Calf Milk Replacer

Dairygold’s Calf milk replacer specialist talks about once a day feeding Dairygold’s Prime Elite milk replacer range.

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Autumn Grassland Management – Beef

This summer has been tough for grass growth. Most of us are still looking to take some silage off the farm. But irrespective of the tough summer we must do our utmost to build a wedge of grass to late September, allowing our cows to graze to late October/early November and closing the farm off with the correct farm cover.

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Guide to Catch Crops

James Bourke B.Agr.Sc has given a breakdown of the most popular catch crops this 2018, Westerwolds and Forage Brassicas. Click Read More to see more information.

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Short of grass right now, what are your options?

Liam Stack M.Agr.Sc, Ruminant Technical Manager, Dairygold Agribusiness gives a concise breakdown of what your options are if running out of grass during this dry spell.

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Ensure optimum health of your livestock this Spring with Superchoice Minerals

When it comes to animal nutrition, Superchoice Minerals are your guarantee for great quality and value. This product range has been formulated to meet the upper end of Teagasc’s recommended mineral levels and has been formulated to meet the needs of Irish dairy cows, cattle and sheep.

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Chemical Control of Ragwort in Grassland

Shane Cotter, Dairygold Grassland Specialist gives some key pointers on controlling Ragwort in grassland this Spring. For more information contact Shane on 087-0671246.

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Developing Your Fertiliser Plan

Click Read More for a brief overview on what key things to look out for this spring when preparing your fertiliser plan. We have provided some examples of fertiliser plans also.

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Mineral Feeding Pre-Calving

Mineral feeding for the pre-calving cows Nutrition for breeding Your nutritional aims for successful breeding are: To minimise your herd’s body condition loss between calving and the start of breeding…

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Redwater Bulletin Redwater is a life-threatening disease of cattle caused by a parasite called Babesia divergens. The parasite is transmitted by ticks. High risk periods for Redwater are late spring/early…

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Forage Options

Whole Crop Cereals/High Moisture Grain It is essential to monitor the dry matter of the crop regularly, starting a month before the anticipated harvest date. Dry matter can change by…

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