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Cows that have been scanned as not in calf should be marked for culling.
Suckler cows:
If you’re finishing these off grass, consider weaning the calves early. Once the calf is 250kg you can wean.
Early weaned cows with a condition score of 3 will take 50-60 days to finish. Later weaned cows at a condition score of 2.5 will take 90 days.
If your short of grass you could consider housing and finishing indoors.
Dairy Cows:
Milk on as long as possible.
Milk is a valuable commodity right now.
These cows will still delivery €1000-1500 of milk from here to drying off.
Feed additional concentrates now over what’s required to support milk and increase grass supply.
If your short of grass you could consider housing and finishing indoors.
Feed required at grass to finish:
With good quality grass fattening cows will need c.5kg of to deliver 1-1.2 kg of LWG
Feed required indoors to finish:
Silage (68 DMD) + c.6-8kg of concentrates = 1-1.15 kg daily.
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