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When to use Ecosyl for better preservation:
Better preservation = less spoilage with Dry matter losses of c.4% with ecosyl treated silage vs 14% with typical silage
Our silage additive is Ecosyl:
Ecosyl silage/forage additives contain MTD⁄1, a high-performance strain of lactic acid producing bacteria. This strain is exclusive to the ecosyl products.
The MTD/1 bacterium are harvested from a continuous cultural, meaning all our bacteria are actively growing. Ecosyl 100 contains 1 million good bugs vs the 100,000 bugs that our competitors routinely use.
MTD/1 starts working in the presence of air and at a pH of 7 (fresh grass) and continues to work down to a pH of 4 (no helper strains are required).
All this means that ecosyl produces a lot of lactic acid very quickly and drops the silage pH to the desire level very quickly. This minimizes proteins breakdown to ammonia and inhibits the growth of Yeasts, Moulds, Clostridia and Listeria
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